Strategic Partnerships
If you want to go far, go together
– African Proverb
Why We Partner
We believe that through collaboration with Strategic Partners, we can do more to impact the lives of the vulnerable. When we partner with other organizations that share a mutual vision and mission to empower the poor, we’re able to expand our work to reach more communities and help more people escape the generational cycle of poverty.
How We Partner
The quickest and most effective strategy to expand our reach is to work with partners already engaged in asset-based community development work. Partners are the doorway to the markets and communities for our services. We take partners through a process of discovery, planning, training, measuring and ongoing support.
Although our end-user and beneficiary is each individual community member, partners are our client, establishing a B-to-B business model.
We know that investing in local expertise is the best way to create long-term impact. We partner with organizations that have demonstrated a community-centred approach, excellent financial reporting and are committed to sustainability.
We understand that every organization and area of development is different. Therefore we customize and then integrate our model and methodology to our partner’s work. This is done by training and certifying select partner team members to become internal champions. Throughout the partnership, we resource, support, measure the impact and continuously train the partner’s Champion.
“For years we have been looking for a more sustainable approach to our feeding programs, and we’ve finally found it! Our partnership with Thrive for Good has produced incredible results. It brings me so much joy to see communities working together to meet the nutritional needs of families and it gets even better when those families catch the vision and begin to grow high-quality produce in their own backyards. The team at Thrive for Good is incredibly generous with their time and expertise. Impact Nations is excited to expand our partnership to bring this transformational knowledge to many more communities in the future.”
Tim Stewart
CEO – Impact Nations
Our Partnership Process
Our Partnership Process
Current Strategic Partners
Program partnerships create powerful allies and help us extend our reach and impact which can lead to real social change.
“Food for the Hungry Canada is thrilled to be collaborating with Thrive for Good, as their training is deeply relevant to our partner communities. With Thrive’s training on growing disease-fighting foods, families not only learn how to improve their health and put nutrition back into the soil, but also how to generate sustainable income at a low cost. Our joint pilot project provides an accessible online training platform that will transform the way we are able to deliver quality training in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Rwanda.”
VP International Programs – Food for the Hungry
Download Our Partnership Information
Could the members of the communities you work with benefit from having a reliable source of healthy, nutritious, and sustainable food?
Are they longing to increase their health and develop immunities through disease-fighting foods?
Are they wanting to maximize their yields and increase their profits by growing a surplus?
Let’s Work Together
We’re always looking for new partners.
If your organization needs a sustainable solution to ending hidden hunger, get in touch.