Our Programs

Training to change.

At the core of our programs, we offer training and hands-on, practical skill development.

Our training centre in Kenya is where innovative methods to “use the land for good” are developed, tested and demonstrated. Students come to gain experience, knowledge and resources and find best practices and solutions for techniques, crops, methods and overall, better gardens.

As a response to COVID, we worked tirelessly to move our training online and accessible to everyone in the world. We have created the Thrive Institute, which is what we see, the first online training platform teaching organic gardening for developing communities

At the core of our service is training and the transfer of knowledge. Our training platform is built on creating an outstanding experience with learning content. The learning experience is enhanced when it is continuously refreshed, and content is readily available.

The journey of a Growing Health Champion or OAT (Organic Agricultural Trainer) takes once they graduate moves them into a position of leadership and influence to spread the transformation.

The Journey of a Trainer

5-Day Workshop

Thrive developed a 5-day workshop to train representatives from community groups in the Thrive method for growing health. Participants represent community members from urban slums, orphanages, HIV groups, schools, prisons, refugee camps and medical clinics.

During this training, a Thrive OAT or intern teaches about our four key themes; organic gardening, nutrition, natural medicine and income generation. Afterwards, community members work together to create a community development project which includes at least 40 Life Gardens beds. Immediately they put their knowledge to work and start growing health!

Growing Health Seminar

In 2012, to further equip community leaders, we created a one-month training program called the Growing Health Seminar. Students travel from around the world to our training centre in Kitale, Kenya to learn about “growing health.”

You can learn more here about these seminars.

In 2020, as a response to COVID, we also transferred all of the training online to make it accessible to anyone.

During both the in-person seminar and online courses, students learn Organic Bio-Intensive Agriculture, Nutrition and Disease Prevention. They engage in hands-on skill development, including meal preparation, best-practice gardening techniques, and making herbal medicine. Graduates return to their communities to start their own community development projects.

Internship Program

This two-year internship program equips local leaders to go out into communities as trainers.

They coach others to grow health using the Thrive model.

Graduates are called OATs.

They work hands-on to create Life Gardens anywhere there is hidden hunger.

Organic Agricultural Trainer

An OAT is an Organic Agricultural Trainer.

OATs are educated leaders who create nutritional security through community development projects.

Currently, a total of 50 OATs work with Thrive to create and oversee projects in 5 African countries.

In order to become an OAT one must complete our two-year internship program.

Teaching And Training

This is the highest level of training (3 years training certificate + practicum).

Master Organic Agriculture Trainers (MOATs) serve our partner network by resourcing, supporting, overseeing Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and leading services through the partner’s internal Growing Health Champion.

Each MOAT is assigned up to train 18 Growing Health Champions. MOATs conduct 5-day onsite partner training seminars (1x month) and then manage/support Growing Health Champions with monthly day-long workshops.

Growing Health Champions

Before receiving training, Champions have had a strong background in content material, nutrition and biointensive gardening.

The one-month training certifies them as a Champion.

They are then qualified to lead changes to community projects within their organization.