Tamara Single Women Project

In 2020, The Tamara Foundation partnered with Thrive for Good to start 32 single women community projects.

See the impact of one of those projects located in Northwest Kenya.

Today, The Tamara Single Women Community projects are helping over 3,000 women and 28 of the projects are completely sustainable and generating income.

Video Transcript:

“My names are Rebecca Naswa Wanyama. The group’s name is Tamara Single Women Group.

Now, when we started our group, before we start, our life were very poor, we were very sickly, we had nothing in full.

So when we met our teacher, and then he started training us, the training he gave us, he gave us how to dig, double digging. He gave us how we can make our own compost so that when we plant our our shamba (garden), we can’t use chemicals, fertilizers. We use our own compost.

Before, we were going to the market to buy mbogas (vegetables). Those vegetables were chemicals. And now we eat our own mboga (vegetables), which is not with the chemical. It is now very fertile and very healthy.

So now we are very healthy now, even us. We don’t have sickness. We don’t go to hospitals. We don’t rely to anybody that he can help us. We only rely on our own shamba (garden).

When we started selling our vegetables, the first thing, we bought a sheep. Second one, we bought a goose. The thirdly, we have fenced our shamba (garden). Because that time, when we were just planting. We got cows and sheep and what get in to eat our vegetables.

Next, we were thinking of every person, every member, to have his own sheep in her home. We are going to get it in when we sell our vegetables.

Even I’m 77 now and I’m healthy. I can dig. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you and welcome again.”