JusTea is proud to support Life Gardens in Nandi Hills, Kenya


JusTea is bringing health and nutrition to 450 tea-pluckers and community members in Nandi. The creation of Life Gardens will reduce the prevalence of malaria by up to 75%, provide the nutrients our bodies need to thrive and allow individuals to reach their full potential.

Meet the Tea Pluckers & Life Gardeners



When Agnes isn’t plucking tea she is either tending to her community garden or caring for her 2 children. Organic gardening has helped Agnes in such a way that she no longer has to buy vegetables from the market. She is also able to grow natural medicinal plants like Artemisia which keeps her family free of malaria.


Caroline is a tea plucker from Kenya, she has three children. Although she was not privileged to get a higher education, she has been practicing organic farming. The sales of vegetables from her garden helps her to cater to her needs and that of her children. Hence getting her out of extreme poverty.

Caroline joyfully holding lemongrass


A mother of 3 children and a tea plucker in the Nandi Hills region, Ruth enjoys organic gardening as it provides her with vegetables that are free of chemicals. Ruth is able to sell her surplus to generate income for her family’s needs.

“Whenever the need arises, I am able to go to our community garden and harvest vegetables. I always have access to healthy foods.”


Collins is organizing the Nandi Hills community to plant Thrive Organic Life Gardens. He is proud to share this knowledge about growing malaria-fighting plants and healthy food.

“Before I came to Thrive, I used to suffer a lot from typhoid and malaria. Once I learned about healthy foods and natural medicine, I changed my eating style. Since then I have not had to go to the hospital again. Eating a variety of vegetables and greens has strengthened my immune system. I am thankful that I am now a Thrive trainer and can share this knowledge that changed my life.”



Faith is a student in Nandi Hills and has received training through Thrive’s workshops. She is excited that she can use her small garden to grow a high yield of organic veggies.


Celestine has 4 kids and picks tea leaves every day. With Thrive’s training, she is now growing malaria-fighting plants like Artemisia and has been healthier ever since!



Irine is a mother of 2 children. As a member of Thrive’s organic garden workshops, Irine is proud that the food she now puts on her family table is a variety of healthy vegetables she grew in her garden.


Eunice is the mother of one child. She is also one of the beneficiaries at Kapsoo project. Over the last few years before the initiative of this project she had a problem of hidden hunger and malnutrition due to lack of vital vitamins and minerals, but after the initiative she is glad that she has the varieties of green veggies to eat which contains all the minerals and vitamins that her body used to lack.



Felix is the father of 4 kids, and he’s glad to be one of the beneficiaries of this initiative. He used to fall ill frequently from malaria and diarrhea, but after learning about Artemisia tea and the eating of raw food and washing of hands regularly, he reversed the situation by 100%!